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Dear Potential Supporter;


I am the Event Coordinator for the “To The Max” Dance Band, and the VIP Campaign.  “To The Max” is a dynamic cover band in the tri-state area.  When we’re not performing at weddings, we are performing at various events; benefits, fund raisers, and corporate events.


We have a Fan Based Following consisting of family, friends and  supporters who attend and enjoy our public events.  


We love our fan family.  One important way to show them is our ‘not for profit’ V.I.P. Van, transporting our followers to these events.  Thus, providing professional, certified designated drivers for the occasion.  They appreciate the service too!


This is our way to contribute to reducing and/or preventing the possibility of DUI incidents, auto accidents, fines, license suspensions, or even imprisonment.  We need to be safe on our roads after a show, day and night.  Our fans want to be there, and we're willing to provide transportaion for them through this campaign, with hopes to reduce harm to our friends, your friends and others,  as well.

If you are our Friend and Supporter, we appreciate your contribution today.

100% of your donation will be utilized for the  V.I.P Campaign.

If you are a Sponsor...

We are asking for a donation of a $25.00 gift card or equivalent product in value, or items to fill our gift bags to help our campaign.


In return, we will show our appreciation with a little brand visibility and by making a live mention of your brand (if you wish) at the concert, during intermission while presenting the prize(s) to our lucky V.I.P. Winner(s).  How Awesome!


The reality of it all is that people are going to continue to enjoy themselves, and the band will play on, but with your help, we can make life just a little bit better, a bit safer, and doing things a little bit smarter, and even save a life along the way.

Thanking You Sincerely,



Event Coordinator

“To The Max” Dance Band V.I.P. Campaign


P.S., By all means, please consider this an invitation to you and friends as well.

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